To help food enthusiasts, innovators and thought leaders improve their lives and the environment.

And yes, to eat bugs! They are DELICIOUS!

Vector Illustration of Crickster's Vision. Edible insects are part of our future
We Believe THAT

Insects are a healthy delicacy worth sharing

By sharing knowledge, processes and food experiences, we can empower each other to create more meaningful projects and companies — driving the change we want to see in the world.

Food should fuel our bodies, without compromising our planet’s health!

Instead of limiting our food choices, we should aim for a wider variety of foods. By providing alternatives to over consumed foods, we can eat tasty and healthy meals while reducing our environmental footprint.

Every one is a leader

By educating and inspiring the people around us to make better choices, we can lead the world to a better tomorrow. Every interaction we have with another human being can leave an impact. That's why it is our duty to lead others by example.