13 Reasons Why You Should Try The Black Soldier Fly In 2023In this article, you're going to learn why you should consider farming and eating the black soldier fly larvae (BSFL). Emanuel SkrobonjaInsect Farming
Everything You Need To Know About Edible Insect NutritionStudies show that edible insects may reduce inflammation, improve your gut health and help develop your brain.Martin Gomez Thomsen Nutrition Facts
Mealworms Can Eat Styrofoam And not Die — 14 AMAZING Facts About the MealwormYou'll learm what mealworms really ARE? Where do they live? And much more. Btw. They are not worms.Paola LucchesiPopular
12 Reasons Why You Should Start Eating BUGSEdible insects are sustainable, delicious, and they are getting more accessible than ever! 2 billion people worldwide are already eating insects every day.Merilin VrachovskaEssentials
Cricket Farming: The Ultimate DIY GuideA complete guide to cricket farming including a detailed tutorial, a checklist and lots of "pro tips" that can raise your income and improve your health.Emanuel SkrobonjaInsect Farming
12 Fascinating Foods of the FutureFrom 3D printed high-tech dishes to fake fish. Discover the foods of tomorrow, inspire others to make a change and become aware of the challenges our world is facing. Emanuel SkrobonjaPopular
Here’s Why No One is Really VeganNo matter what you do, parts of meat will always end up in your belly. This blog was written to answer a big question that's been bugging you. Emanuel SkrobonjaPopular
Your Ultimate Tasting Guide to 23 Unforgettable Insect FlavorsDiscover what edible insects taste like. Prepare yourself to learn all about the flavors and textures of different edible bugs. Erica EllerPopular
5 AMAZING Facts About "The Most Dangerous Cheese in the World"The ILLEGAL maggot cheese, also known as Casu Marzu - has been around for centuries. Here are 5 Interesting facts about this forbidden delicacy. Paola LucchesiPopular
Edible Insects: The Good, The Bad And The UglyShould we all eat bugs? In this post you're going to learn what are the pros and cons of eating insectsAmy Gardner
What is Entomophagy? And How Edible Insects May Have Affected Our Brain DevelopmentEdible insects in a nutshellMartin Gomez Thomsen Essentials
8 Interesting Facts about the buffalo worm.Looking for a way to boost your Iron intake? Meet the incredible Buffalo wormPaola LucchesiPopular
Meat vs. Edible insects - Part 1You will discover what is the best choice between meat and edible insects, when it comes to taste, nutrition, food safety, sustainability and ethics. Martin Gomez Thomsen Popular
How to Overcome Your Phobia of Eating Insects?In order to overcome the phobia of eating insects, we first need to seek to understand where that fear comes from.Amy GardnerEssentials
11 Tips to Eat Healthy While Saving MoneyYou don’t have to sacrifice your budget or convenience to healthy eating. With a little planning and knowledge, you can make healthy food choices without breaking the bank.Amy GardnerPopular
Children — The New Food AmbassadorsIn this blog post, I'm going to show you how you can improve your children's eating habits to raise a more conscious generation.Amy GardnerPopular
4 Proven Strategies for Eating Healthier and More Sustainable Without Changing What You Eat.In this post you will learn some easy strategies you can use to eat healthy and sustainable, without changing (too much) what you eat.Martin Gomez Thomsen Essentials
The Ultimate Edible Insect Travel Guide - ThailandAn awesome travel guide for foodies, and a brief history of edible insects (entomophagy) in Thailand’s past, present and future.Amy Gardner
11 Tips to Increase Your Health and Reduce Your Environmental Footprint Through Better Food ChoicesIf you want to increase your health and the health of the planet, you’ll love this guide.Erica EllerPopular
14 Simple and Actionable Ways to Reduce your Carbon footprint to 0Is it possible to stop emitting CO2? No. Yet it is entirely possible to reduce your carbon footprint. Today, you're going to learn how to live a carbon negative life, in 14 simple steps. Emanuel SkrobonjaEssentials
7 Marketing Hacks to Convince Newbies to eat Insects for the First Time Is it possible to market edible insects? And if yes, how? Here are 7 pro marketing tips that can help you get on the right track.Erica Eller
4 Main Health Benefits of Chitin, Based on ScienceToday, I'm going to show you how chitin may boost your gut health, reduce inflammation and improve your immune system. Emanuel SkrobonjaNutrition Facts
The Ultimate Edible Insect Travel Guide - ChinaIn this post you will be guided to the best places in China for eating edible insects. Find your edible bug adventure from the night markets in Bejing to the fancy restaurants in Shanghai. Amy GardnerPopular
Eating Habits: The Definitive GuideA guide full of Tips and tricks to develop better food habits that stick.Emanuel SkrobonjaPopular
The Ultimate Edible Insect Meal Starter PlanHere's a simple meal plan with edible insects including all the meals you need for a whole day of being awesome.Amy GardnerEssentials
Cricket Protein: the New Food Frontier Is Here AlreadyDiscover why cricket protein is becoming a HUGE trend within the food industry and how you can benefit from it. Amy GardnerNutrition Facts
Will you be able to feed waste to your insects, with the new EU regulations?Food safety, Novel Foods and insect farming: the European Union is asking more from insect companies in 2019, with the new food laws and regulations.Paola Lucchesi
Why You Can Live a Long Healthy Life and Heal The World by Eating HealthierDo you want to live a long healthy life? Do you want to increase the health of our planet at the same time? Then this blogpost is for you!Martin Gomez Thomsen Essentials
How edible insects can help you lose weight and gain muscle massEverything you need to know about edible insect protein.Martin Gomez Thomsen Nutrition Facts
Top 8 Trending Insects on the MarketEver wondered which insect you should try first? Here's a list of the 8 most popular edible insects.Erica Eller
The Ultimate Edible Insect Travel Guide - MexicoAn essential travel guide for food enthusiasts, and a brief history of entomophagy in Mexico’s past, present and future. Amy GardnerEssentials
How to make DIY Cricket FlourIn this step-by-step guide, I'm going to show you the easiest way to make your own homemade cricket flour. Erica EllerEssentials